
Call for abstracts: National meeting of researchers of learning and learning difficulties

The University of Jyväskylä and Niilo Mäki Institute cordially invite researchers of learning and learning difficulties to present and discuss their current work and latest findings at the annual researcher meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to provide an outlook of the current state of educational research in the country and create opportunities for developing cooperation between researchers.

Registration for the event can be found at Please register by 21.8.2023.

Preliminary schedule:

Deadline for abstract submissions 21.8.2023

Notification of acceptance for abstracts and posters 5.9.2023

More information:

Media Education Conference MEC 2023

Welcome to the Media Education Conference MEC 2023!

MEC is an informal and friendly conference, which participants attend to exchange ideas and information dealing with media education, educational use of ICTs and learning environments. MEC is organized by the Media Education Hub at the University of Lapland.

MEC is organized every second year and MEC 2023 will be the tenth media education conference. In 2023 MEC will be back in Salla. Conference dates are 25 – 27 September 2023. The theme of MEC 2023 is “Media Education Meets Wilderness”.

Deadline for early-bird registration is 21 August 2023

Keynote speakers:
David M. Gaba, Professor, Stanford University

Keith Devlin, Mathematician, Emeritus, Stanford University, USA

Julie Coiro, Professor, University of Rhode Island, USA

Siu-Cheung Kong, Research Chair Professor, The Education University of Hong Kong

Please check the conference website for details of programme, keynotes, and registration:

Looking forward to seeing you in September in Salla, Finland!

JURE 2022

The JURE 2022 Conference will take place at the University of Porto, Portugal with the theme of “Unpredictable challenges: Education in a rapidly changing world”. The JURE is an annual conference offering the possibility to meet fellow junior researchers from all over Europe and exchange ideas and experiences. Submission Deadline is 20th of January 2022. More information: HERE.

FinEd Newsletter 2/2021


Call for Papers! Pre-seminar of the FinEd Network for the FERA 2021 Conference on 24 November
The FinEd Network will organize a pre-seminar for the FERA 2021 Conference on 24 November 2021 in collaboration with the University of Jyväskylä and FERA. The deadline for abstracts is 31 October. More information can be obtained at Annual seminar – FinEd.

ITK Doctoral Consortium 1 December 2021
The FinEd network, together with ITK Doctoral Consortium, will organize an article workshop in Aulanko, Hämeenlinna, 1 December 2021. More information is available at ITK Doctoral Consortium 2021 – ITK-konferenssi.


In fall 2021, FinEd will conduct a survey of doctoral students at its member universities. The aim is to determine the needs of doctoral students regarding the courses offered nationwide. The survey will be sent out to doctoral students during October 2021 through contact persons at member universities.

FinEd took part in the MEC2021(Media Education) conference, which was held in Rovaniemi, Lapland, on 28 September–1 October 2021. The conference was organized by the Media Education Hub of the University of Lapland, which was also celebrating its 20th anniversary. This international conference brought together 56 researchers from around the world. The keynote speakers were Professor Hilda Borko, Stanford University, US; Professor Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Milan Catholic University, Italy; and Professor Hyeon-Seon Jeong, Gyeongin National University of Education, South Korea.

FinEd has proceeded international activities of the network. New senior researchers have been invited to join FinEd’s mentor pool. FinEd also took part, for the first time, in organizing the EERA Summer School together with the University of Jyväskylä, EERA and the Finnish Educational Research Association. One hundred doctoral students participated in the international summer school, which was held on 14–16 June 2021. For more information, go to EERA Summer School.

Annual seminar, call is open!

”Well-being in the Digital Age” Pre-seminar of the FinEd Network to the FERA 2021 Conference 24 November, University of Jyväskylä/ ONLINE SEMINAR

Call for papers is open!  Deadline for abstracts is 15 November 2021 (extended!).
More information HERE

FinEd Newsletter 1/2021


The FinEd Network successfully organized “Writing by the hill”, an online article workshop for the member units’ doctoral researchers, on 24–25 March 2021. The workshop consisted of three expert lectures and writing sessions guided by mentors. In the first, Professors Kai Hakkarainen and Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen from the University of Helsinki lectured on the scientific writing process and academic knowledge practices. Professor Yngve Nordkvelle from the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences spoke about writing and the publishing process from the perspective of an editor at’s academic journal. Additionally, Professor Päivi Atjonen from the University of Eastern Finland presented research on Finnish dissertations in education. This research has also been published in Kasvatus (2/2020).

The FinEd Network will participate in the EERA Summer School on 14–16June 2021. One hundred doctoral students will also take part in this international summer school, organized by the University of Jyväskylä, EERA and the Finnish Educational Research Association. More information: EERA Summer School


A new, open lecture series on the study of digitalization
The DigiSociety research community of the University of Eastern Finland will make open lectures on digitalization research available to researchers every Friday at 1–3 pm from 7 May – 11 June 2021. This lecture series will address fresh and multidisciplinary research perspectives and methods. More information:

Call for papers! ITK Doctoral Consortium in Aulanko, 1 September 2021
The ITK Doctoral Consortium will be held in collaboration with the FinEd Network in Aulanko, Hämeenlinna on 1 September 2021. The deadline for abstracts is 31 May 2021. More information HERE:

Call for papers! MEC2021 in Rovaniemi, 28 September – 1 October 2021
The 2021 Media Education Conference (MEC2021) will be held in Rovaniemi on 28 September 1 October 2021. The theme of the conference is “Media Education in Autumn Colors”. The conference is organized by the Media Education Hub of the University of Lapland, which is also celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. The deadline for abstracts is 24 May 2021. More information:

Save the date! FinEd Network pre-seminar in Jyväskylä, 24 November 2021
The FinEd Network will organize a pre-seminar for the FERA 2021 Conference on 24 November 2021 in cooperation with the University of Jyväskylä and FERA. The pre-seminar will be announced in more detail in fall 2021.


The FinEd Network’s Mentor pool will be updated with national and international senior researchers who are available to share their expertise at events and conferences organized by the network. Meet the mentors:

ITK Doctoral Consortium has been postponed to fall 2021

ITK Doctoral Consortium, which will be carried out in collaboration with the FinEd network’s article workshop, has been postponed to fall 2021. More information on the website.

The Doctoral Consortium offers doctoral researchers the opportunity to present their research papers in a safe, friendly and encouraging environment. The Doctoral Consortium has four goals:

  • Provide time and place where doctoral students can present their research and meet with other doctoral researchers.
  • Provide feedback and perspectives from more experienced researchers and other doctoral students to doctoral researchers.
  • Support national networking and cooperation of researchers across institutional borders.
  • Provide a forum for meeting potential future research colleagues.

Call for the EERSS 2021 Summer School (dl 31.1.)

The EERA Summer School 2021 will be held online 14 – 16 June and will be organised by the University of Jyväskylä, Finland and the Finnish Educational Research Association (FERA). The theme of EERSS 2021 will be “Beyond the Basics in Educational Research Methodology: Research ethics in educational research”.

More information: EERA_Summer_School_2021_Online___Jyväskylä.pdf (

The application period is 1 – 31 January.

More information on the Summer School:

To apply to EERSS 2021, 1 – 31 January:

FinEd-verkoston uutiskirje 2/2020

Tämä on FinEd-verkoston uutiskirje. Uutiskirjeet lähetetään kaikille FinEd-verkostoon kuuluville yliopistokohtaisten sähköpostilistojen kautta ja julkaistaan verkoston nettisivulla.

Hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta 2021!

Vuosi 2020 on ollut COVID-19 epidemian vuoksi poikkeuksellinen, mikä on vaikuttanut myös FinEd-verkoston toimintaan, erityisesti artikkelityöpajan ja Kasvatustieteen päivien yhteydessä pidettävän esiseminaarin järjestämiseen.

FinEd-verkoston esiseminaari pidettiin etäseminaarina Kasvatustieteen päivien yhteydessä 14.12.2020. Esiseminaarin teemana oli ”Digitalisation in education: From various learning contexts to methodologies”. Seminaarinpuhujina olivat psykologian tohtori Mona Moisala Heltti Oy:stä, Yliopistotutkija Mikko Meriläinen Tampereen yliopistosta ja yliopistonlehtori Satu-Maarit Frangou Lapin yliopistosta. Seminaariin osallistui yhteensä 21 kasvatustieteen jatko-opiskelijaa Helsingin, Itä-Suomen, Lapin, Jyväskylän, Tampereen ja Turun yliopistoista sekä Kokkolan yliopistokeskus Chydeniuksesta. Esiseminaarin ohjelma sekä pääpuhujien esitykset löytyvät FinEdin verkkosivuilta: Vuosiseminaari – FinEd

Keväällä FinEd-verkosto järjestää kaksi syksyltä 2020 kevääseen 2021 siirtynyttä työpajaa. ”Writing by the hill” -artikkelityöpaja pidetään 24.-25.3.2021 poikkeuksellisesti etätyöpajana. Työpajaan on syksyllä 2020 hyväksytty 22 kasvatustieteen jatko-opiskelijaa. Jos olet kiinnostunut työpajasta, etkä ole hakenut siihen syksyn haussa, voit kysellä mahdollisia peruutuspaikkoja tutkimuskoordinaattorilta Marjaana Kankaalta 1.2 2021 alkaen. (

Toinen työpaja järjestetään yhteistyössä ITK Doctoral Consortium kanssa 14.4.2021 ITK Doctoral Consortium 2020 – ITK-konferenssi ( Tutkijatapaamisessa on mahdollista esitellä omaa tutkimustaan ja saada siihen kommentteja muilta tutkijoilta. Abstraktien määräaika on 14.2.2021. Ilmoittautuminen: TÄÄLLÄ.

Mentoripoolin on joukko FinEd-verkoston jäsenyliopistojen senioritutkijoita, jotka ovat lupautuneet neuvomaan alan väitöskirjatutkijoita. Mentoripoolin kautta verkoston väitöskirjatutkijat voivat ottaa yhteyttä oman aihepiirinsä asiantuntijoihin

FinEd Newsletter 2/2020

This is a FinEd Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to all members of the FinEd Network via contact persons in each member university and published on the FinEd website.

Happy Holidays and New Year 2021!

The year 2020 has been exceptional due to the COVID-19 epidemic, which has also affected activities in the FinEd network. In particular, the organization of an article workshop and the Pre-seminar of the FinEd Network as a part of the FERA 2020 Conference were reorganized as online activities.

FinEd Preseminar was held as an online seminar in 14th of December. The theme of the seminar was ”Digitalisation in education: From various learning contexts to methodologies”. In the seminar, Dr. Mona Moisala gave a talk about brain research, Postdoctoral Researcher Mikko Meriläinen spoke about digital gaming, and University Lecturer Satu-Maarit Frangou about her doctoral research process. A total of 21 doctoral students participated in the seminar. They represented the universities of Helsinki, Eastern Finland, Lapland, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Turku, and Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius. The program and the slides of the key talks can be found from the FinEd website: Annual seminar – FinEd

In spring 2021, the FinEd network organizes two workshops for doctoral students which have been postponed from fall 2020. ”Writing by the hill” article workshop will be held in March 24th – 25th 2021 exceptionally as an online workshop. 22 doctoral students have been accepted to participate the workshop in the fall 2020. If you are interested in the upcoming workshop and did not apply for participation in fall 2020, you can ask for any cancelled places from the 1st of February 2021 from research coordinator Marjaana Kangas (

The second workshop will be organized in cooperation with ITK Doctoral Consortium 14th of April 2021 ITK Doctoral Consortium 2020 – ITK-konferenssi ( In the workshop doctoral students have an opportunity to present their papers and receive comments on their research from other researchers. Deadline for abstracts is 14th of February 2021. Registration is found HERE.

The Mentor pool is a group of senior researchers from the member units of the FinEd Network who have pledged to advise the doctoral researchers within the Network. Meet the Mentors: