We have another season of FinEd Online Research Talks (FORT) coming up! The FORT events cover current topics in educational sciences and showcase the varied research conducted in FinEd’s member universities. The FORT events are targeted particularly for PhD researchers, but other members of the scientific community, as well as all other interested parties, are also warmly welcome. Participation is free, details of the talks below!
28.3. 2024 (Thursday), from 12–13 o’clock:
Some examples of using Bayesian multilevel regression in educational research, Professor Petri Nokelainen (TAU)
This lecture introduces the use of Bayesian regression methods in the analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal multilevel data sets. The presentation will begin with a brief comparison with frequentist methods. This is followed by a cross-sectional multilevel analysis using both frequentist and Bayesian methods. At the end of the presentation, the focus will be on the issues of longitudinal multilevel analysis from a Bayesian perspective.
Link to prof. Nokelainen’s talk: https://uef.zoom.us/j/62820705335?pwd=V3ZOeUE3ekhCUnlZOXNQRFRMbFVoUT09, Meeting ID: 628 2070 5335, Passcode: 278656
8.5.2024 (Wednesday), from 12–13 o’clock:
Educational Futures are Here: Revisiting Approaches to Future-Proofing Education, Professor Kristiina Brunila (UH), AGORA for the study of social justice and equality in education research centre
My talk draws on a four-year investigation within the FuturEd research initiative and recent collaborative articles to explore future trajectories of education and the evolving landscape of education governance. Focused on sociology of education and politics in education, the discussion centers on changing education governance and its implications for Future-Proofing Education. Examining the transition towards individually tailored governance strategies, the presentation highlights the driving forces behind this shift, including economic factors, transnational stakeholder networks, and advancements in life and behavioral sciences. The analysis extends to global, national, and local dynamics, emphasizing the profound implications of economically driven governance strategies. By integrating current and emerging trends, the presentation advocates for a novel approach to education governance. In conclusion, the concept of precision education governance is introduced as a strategic framework for crafting future-ready learning human kinds. Through scholarly inquiry and examination, the presentation offers insights into navigating the changing landscape of education governance.
Link to Professor Brunila’s talk: https://uef.zoom.us/j/64155661851?pwd=ekFqb1J3MUdQYis4VGJmOE1YenFKUT09 Meeting ID: 641 5566 1851 Passcode: 433701