Writing workshop for doctoral researchers, 15-16 August 2023
Our annual scientific writing workshop was again arranged at the beautiful, inspiring Hanaholmen Conference Center in Espoo, with 24 PhD-researcher participants mentored by five senior mentors, including Auli Toom, Anna Parpala, Lauri Väkevä, and Jaakko Hilppö from the University of Helsinki, and Markku Niemivirta from the University of Eastern Finland. Workshop activities comprised two keynote speeches, How to cultivate wellbeing during the doctoral studies? from Prof. Kirsi Pyhältö (University of Helsinki) and Writing the summary for the article-based PhD thesis from Vice-Dean, Prof. Auli Toom (University of Helsinki), as well as group work with mentors on participants’ abstracts and article manuscripts, and time set aside for networking, sharing experiences with peers, and making new friends. We received some very positive feedback for the workshop, as well as a few suggestions for making it even better. As before, we will take these into account when planning and organising the 2024 workshop.
“The support I received was specific and will advance my research in a concrete way. The workshop is definitely one of the highlights in my PHD journey.”
“The networking part was the most important for me and found the small group sessions about abstracts really nice and good in atmosphere, I think my horizons really widened during this workshop and all the perspectives that I got from everyone.”
“We really had time to connect and network during the two days, and the atmosphere was nice and not too busy for a creative state-of-mind to develop. Altogether, this was a very pleasant and inspiring event. I will definitely recommend it to peers.” – Feedback comments from participants
Writing workshop for doctoral researchers, 17-18 August, 2022
Seventeen doctoral researchers from seven of our eight member universities participated in a two-day writing workshop at the beautiful, inspiring environment of the Hanaholmen Conference Center in Espoo. Activities at the workshop included two keynote speeches, How to understand and optimize the process of academic writing from University Lecturer Elina Ketonen (University of Helsinki) and Summary of the PhD Thesis from Professor Auli Toom (University of Helsinki), work in small groups on participants’ abstracts and article manuscripts, as well as time set aside for networking, sharing experiences with peers, and making new friends. Participants also received comments on their article manuscripts from senior FinEd members. We received positive feedback for the workshop, as well as some suggestions for making it even better, which we will take into account when planning and organising the 2023 workshop.
“Thank all of the organizers and mentors of FinEd seminar. It was a really wonderful and enlightening workshop, encouraging many PHD researchers to share the questions what’s bothering them most during the academic writing.” – Feedback comment from a participant
In March 2021, the FinEd network organized an online article workshop for doctoral researchers of the member units. The purpose of the article workshop was to provide additional support and feedback to the doctoral researchers who are in the middle of writing a scientific article. The workshop consisted of three expert lectures and writing sessions guided by mentors. Professors Kai Hakkarainen and Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen lectured on the scientific writing process and academic knowledge practices. Professor Yngve Nordkvelle spoke about writing and publishing from the perspective of an editor of a scientific journal. Professor Päivi Atjonen would shed light on a research about PhD theses in the educational sciences in 2010-2016. The mentors of the article workshop were: Kai Hakkarainen, Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen from the University of Helsinki, Satu Perälä-Littunen from the University of Jyväskylä, and Kirsti Lempiäinen, Heli Ruokamo and Marjaana Kangas from the University of Lapland.
Thanks to all workshop participants! Thanks also for the positive feedback!
”Writing by the Hill” 24−25 March 2021, ONLINE WORKSHOP
An Article Workshop for Doctoral Researchers organised by the FinEd Network
The Finnish Multidisciplinary Doctoral Training Network on Educational Sciences (FinEd) organises an article workshop for the doctoral researchers of its member units on 24−25 March 2021. The aim of the workshop is to offer additional support and guidance for doctoral researchers’ academic writing and publishing process. Furthermore, the FinEd Network wants to enhance networking among the junior and senior researchers in Finland.
During the workshop article drafts are discussed in small groups led by the mentors of the FinEd Network. Participants receive comments on their articles from their peers and the mentors. The workshop also includes lectures on an academic writing process and an international publishing process. The language of the workshop is English, but the articles can also be in Finnish.
The participants have already been selected. However, common keynote lectures are open for all doctoral researchers from the FinEd network.
The registration time has expired. External participants must register for the joint program HERE. After registration, participants will receive a link to joint lectures.
ONLINE Programme 24–25 March 2021
Wednesday, 24 March 09:00 – 9:15 Welcome to the workshop Prof. Heli Ruokamo & Dr. Marjaana Kangas, University of Lapland 09:15 – 10:45 Lecture: Academic writing process Prof. Kai Hakkarainen & Prof. Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, University of Helsinki 10.45 – 11.00 Parallel workshop instructions 11:00 – 12:00 Lunch break 12:00 – 14:00 Parallel Workshops 14:00 – 14:30 Break 14:30 – 15:00 Lecture: “Getting it out there” – pondering on the experiences of a journal “gatekeeper”, Prof. Yngve Nordkvelle, Inland Norway University College of Applied Sciences 15.00 - 15.15 Closing, prof. Heli Ruokamo Thursday, 25 March 9:00 – 9:30 Lecture: Writing a dissertation – Lessons learned from the published PhD theses in the educational sciences in 2010-2016, Prof. Päivi Atjonen, University of Eastern Finland 9:30 – 9:45 Break 9:45 – 11:45 Parallel workshops 11.45 - 12.00 Closing, prof. Heli Ruokamo
Important dates
2 October: Deadline for applications (abstract) Registration* HERE
9 October: Notices of acceptance for the participants
January 31st: Submit your article draft for the workshop (All accepted participants have a key to the FinEd Moodle environment). Please note that your article does not have to be finished!
24−25 March 2021: ONLINE WORKSHOP
Who can apply?
A doctoral researcher who
- is conducting her/his studies in the member unit of the FinEd Network (http://www.fined.fi/en/member-units/),
- is writing a scientific article connected with her/his doctoral study (but the article does not have to be a part of the dissertation) and is planning to submit it in 2020–2021
- is the first writer of the article in question, and has a consent of the other writers to participate in the workshop,
- has a recommendation from her/his supervisor,
- is able to commit to the writing process and the workshop during in autumn 2020.
Contact information
Marjaana Kangas, marjaana.kangas@ulapland.fi
For additional information about travelling, please contact:
Rovaniemi-Lapland Congresses
Tel. +358 (0)40 484 4462 and +358 (0)40 515 6544
Email: congress@ulapland.fi
Further information on the FinEd Network: http://www.fined.fi/en/fined-2/
Writing by the Lake 9−10 May 2019, Tampere
In May 2019, the FinEd network organized an article workshop for doctoral researchers of the member units. The purpose of the article workshop was to provide additional support and feedback to the doctoral researchers who are in the middle of writing a scientific article. The workshop also included a lecture by Professor Satu Uusiautti on the academic publication process and a lecture by Associate Professor Zsuzsa Millei on scientific writing. In addition, the workshop was an opportunity to get peer support and network with other researchers.
Thanks to all workshop participants!