In 2024, FinEd continued its work of supporting PhD researchers in our member universities, and facilitating co-operation between member universities especially as regards doctoral education. In this newsletter, we take a look at FinEd’s activities in 2024, extend our warmest thank-yous to everyone who participated in our events, and wish everyone a Happy New Year 2025. The events of the new year are decided in FinEd’s steering board in the end of January, and information will be posted on our website soon after that.
Responsibility for steering FinEd
University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is responsible for steering FinEd activities during the two-year period 2024–2025. The network’s activities were chaired by Prof. Markku Niemivirta until September 2024, with Prof. Jaana Viljaranta acting as chair from October 2024 onwards. We thank Markku for his work! Anna Rawlings continues as coordinator of FinEd’s activities.
FinEd Online Research Talks
The FinEd Online Research Talk events – FORT for short – launched in 2022 were continued in 2024. The FORT events comprise keynote talks on their ongoing research from professors and other researchers of FinEd’s member universities. The series has provided us with a new way of reaching out to doctoral researchers as well as the academic community more broadly. The FORT events also raise awareness of FinEd and showcase the broad range of research done within our network.
Our spring 2024 season FORT speakers were Prof. Sara Routarinne (UTU) with Learning-in-interaction: what makes video observations powerful for studying teaching and learning?, Prof. Petri Nokelainen (TAU) on Some examples of using Bayesian multilevel regression in educational research and Prof. Kristiina Brunila (UH) on Educational Futures are Here: Revisiting Approaches to Future-Proofing Education. The autumn season speakers were Prof. Pauliina Rautio (OU) on Multispecies justice in transdisciplinary research and interspecies action – tracing complexities and Prof. Pigga Keskitalo (LAY) on The Significance of Sámi Educational Research. Warm thank-you to the speakers!
Academic writing workshop for doctoral researchers, 14–15 August
Our annual scientific writing workshop was again arranged at the beautiful, inspiring Hanaholmen Conference Center at the border of Helsinki and Espoo, with 21 PhD researcher participants mentored by four senior mentors. Workshop activities included two keynote speeches, with Prof. Markku Niemivirta (UEF) speaking on the topic From planning to dissemination – Openly and ethically and Hilma Halme PhD (UH) on From research plan to defence, as well as group work with mentors on participants’ abstracts and article manuscripts, and time set aside for networking, sharing experiences with peers, and making new friends. We received some very positive feedback for the workshop, as well as a some suggestions for making it even better. As before, we will take these into account when planning and organising the 2025 workshop.

“I will recommend this workshop to all of my fellow doctoral researchers. The whole event made me feel really appreciated. In the academic world it is really nice to feel that doctoral researchers matter too.” – From participant feedback
FinEd preseminar at the FERA conference at University of Turku, 20 November
The 2024 preseminar was organised in collaboration with the network of educational science journals in Finland. The theme of the day was Tiedejulkaiseminen – miten vastaanottaa vertaispalautetta ja antaa hyvä vertaisarviointi (”Scientific publishing – how to receive and give a good peer review”). In the morning, editors-in-chief of Finnish educational science journals talked about how the editorial process and peer review is conducted in their journal. Additionally, participants and the editors together formulated ”guidelines for good peer review”. Fifteen PhD researchers participated in the afternoon’s FinEd workshop, in which Prof Janne Varjo (UH) and Mirjam Raudasoja PhD (JYU) demonstrated using their own articles as examples how an article manuscript develops into its final, published form. After this, participants familiarised themselves with the forms and instructions for both authors and reviewers of some central Finnish and international publishing houses and journals. Feedback on the clarity of their instructions and forms was given to the domestic journals.
“Tohtorikoulutus tulevaisuudessa” (“Doctoral education in the future”) lunch meeting
We continued the tradition started in 2022 of organising a lunch meeting for our member universities’ heads of doctoral programmes, vice-deans for research, and professors with extensive experience is supervising doctoral theses, in conjunction with the FERA conference on 21 November. The meeting aims to support and facilitate collaboration between FinEd member universities at a time when Finnish doctoral education is undergoing some fundamental changes. The lunch meeting has become an established part of our annual programme.
Research, emotions, and well-being seminar at Tampere University, 4–5 December
The network of doctoral programmes in language studies Langnet and FinEd collaboratively organised a Research, emotions, and well-being seminar at Tampere University on 4–5 December, with keynote speeches also viewable on zoom. The seminar focused on both individual-level affective processes in academic work and emotions related to academic structures. The aim was to offer early-career researchers concrete tools for dealing with emotions related to research work. Keynote talks were given by Riitta-Liisa Larjovuori (TAU), Johanna Hokka (TAU), Solveig Cornér (UH), and Jaana-Piia Mäkiniemi (TAU). There were also all told eight workshop sessions, run by Niina Lilja (TAU), Katriina Tapanila (TAU), Maija Hirvonen (TAU; two sessions), Susanna Hartikainen and Ilmari Puhakka (TAU), Elisa Kurtti (JYU), Laura Visapää (UH), and Marja-Liisa Helasvuo (UTU). We were able to take altogether 60 participants, 30 from both networks, with over 100 people applying. The feedback we received from the seminar suggests that the topic is important, and we hope to arrange another one sometime in the future.
Other activities
FinEd funded two FinEd early career researcher keynote speakers at different conferences in 2024. Lauri Räty PhD (JYU) spoke interestingly on the topic “Research-based pedagogical practices for teaching students with intellectual disabilities” at the OPPIVA conference at the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu on 4 June. Anna Wallin PhD (TAU) gave an inspiring talk on the topic Mielikuvitus ja tarinallisuus laadullisessa tutkimuksessa (”Imagination and storytelling in qualitative research”) at the FERA conference at University of Turku on 22 November.