
A Year in Review – FinEd activities in 2024 

In 2024, FinEd continued its work of supporting PhD researchers in our member universities, and facilitating co-operation between member universities especially as regards doctoral education. In this newsletter, we take a look at FinEd’s activities in 2024, extend our warmest thank-yous to everyone who participated in our events, and wish everyone a Happy New Year 2025. The events of the new year are decided in FinEd’s steering board in the end of January, and information will be posted on our website soon after that.

Responsibility for steering FinEd 

University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is responsible for steering FinEd activities during the two-year period 2024–2025. The network’s activities were chaired by Prof. Markku Niemivirta until September 2024, with Prof. Jaana Viljaranta acting as chair from October 2024 onwards. We thank Markku for his work! Anna Rawlings continues as coordinator of FinEd’s activities.

FinEd Online Research Talks 

The FinEd Online Research Talk events – FORT for short – launched in 2022 were continued in 2024. The FORT events comprise keynote talks on their ongoing research from professors and other researchers of FinEd’s member universities. The series has provided us with a new way of reaching out to doctoral researchers as well as the academic community more broadly. The FORT events also raise awareness of FinEd and showcase the broad range of research done within our network. 

Our spring 2024 season FORT speakers were Prof. Sara Routarinne (UTU) with Learning-in-interaction: what makes video observations powerful for studying teaching and learning?, Prof. Petri Nokelainen (TAU) on Some examples of using Bayesian multilevel regression in educational research and Prof. Kristiina Brunila (UH) on Educational Futures are Here: Revisiting Approaches to Future-Proofing Education. The autumn season speakers were Prof. Pauliina Rautio (OU) on Multispecies justice in transdisciplinary research and interspecies action – tracing complexities and Prof. Pigga Keskitalo (LAY) on The Significance of Sámi Educational Research. Warm thank-you to the speakers!

Academic writing workshop for doctoral researchers, 14–15 August

Our annual scientific writing workshop was again arranged at the beautiful, inspiring Hanaholmen Conference Center at the border of Helsinki and Espoo, with 21 PhD researcher participants mentored by four senior mentors. Workshop activities included two keynote speeches, with Prof. Markku Niemivirta (UEF) speaking on the topic From planning to dissemination – Openly and ethically and Hilma Halme PhD (UH) on From research plan to defence, as well as group work with mentors on participants’ abstracts and article manuscripts, and time set aside for networking, sharing experiences with peers, and making new friends. We received some very positive feedback for the workshop, as well as a some suggestions for making it even better. As before, we will take these into account when planning and organising the 2025 workshop.

“I will recommend this workshop to all of my fellow doctoral researchers. The whole event made me feel really appreciated. In the academic world it is really nice to feel that doctoral researchers matter too.”  – From participant feedback

FinEd preseminar at the FERA conference at University of Turku, 20 November

The 2024 preseminar was organised in collaboration with the network of educational science journals in Finland. The theme of the day was Tiedejulkaiseminen – miten vastaanottaa vertaispalautetta ja antaa hyvä vertaisarviointi (”Scientific publishing – how to receive and give a good peer review”). In the morning, editors-in-chief of Finnish educational science journals talked about how the editorial process and peer review is conducted in their journal. Additionally, participants and the editors together formulated ”guidelines for good peer review”. Fifteen PhD researchers participated in the afternoon’s FinEd workshop, in which Prof Janne Varjo (UH) and Mirjam Raudasoja PhD (JYU) demonstrated using their own articles as examples how an article manuscript develops into its final, published form. After this, participants familiarised themselves with the forms and instructions for both authors and reviewers of some central Finnish and international publishing houses and journals. Feedback on the clarity of their instructions and forms was given to the domestic journals. 

“Tohtorikoulutus tulevaisuudessa” (“Doctoral education in the future”) lunch meeting

We continued the tradition started in 2022 of organising a lunch meeting for our member universities’ heads of doctoral programmes, vice-deans for research, and professors with extensive experience is supervising doctoral theses, in conjunction with the FERA conference on 21 November. The meeting aims to support and facilitate collaboration between FinEd member universities at a time when Finnish doctoral education is undergoing some fundamental changes. The lunch meeting has become an established part of our annual programme.

Research, emotions, and well-being seminar at Tampere University, 4–5 December

The network of doctoral programmes in language studies Langnet and FinEd collaboratively organised a Research, emotions, and well-being seminar at Tampere University on 4–5 December, with keynote speeches also viewable on zoom. The seminar focused on both individual-level affective processes in academic work and emotions related to academic structures. The aim was to offer early-career researchers concrete tools for dealing with emotions related to research work. Keynote talks were given by Riitta-Liisa Larjovuori (TAU), Johanna Hokka (TAU), Solveig Cornér (UH), and Jaana-Piia Mäkiniemi (TAU). There were also all told eight workshop sessions, run by Niina Lilja (TAU), Katriina Tapanila (TAU), Maija Hirvonen (TAU; two sessions), Susanna Hartikainen and Ilmari Puhakka (TAU), Elisa Kurtti (JYU), Laura Visapää (UH), and Marja-Liisa Helasvuo (UTU). We were able to take altogether 60 participants, 30 from both networks, with over 100 people applying. The feedback we received from the seminar suggests that the topic is important, and we hope to arrange another one sometime in the future.

Other activities

FinEd funded two FinEd early career researcher keynote speakers at different conferences in 2024. Lauri Räty PhD (JYU) spoke interestingly on the topic “Research-based pedagogical practices for teaching students with intellectual disabilities” at the OPPIVA conference at the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu on 4 June. Anna Wallin PhD (TAU) gave an inspiring talk on the topic Mielikuvitus ja tarinallisuus laadullisessa tutkimuksessa (”Imagination and storytelling in qualitative research”) at the FERA conference at University of Turku on 22 November.

FinEd Newsletter 2023 – Year in Review

The year 2023 saw FinEd continuing its work of supporting PhD researchers in our member universities, as well as facilitating co-operation between member universities as regards doctoral education. In this newsletter, we take a look at the year 2023 and its activities. We also extend our warmest thank-yous to everyone who participated in our events in 2023 and wish everyone a Happy New Year 2024.

Responsibility for steering FinEd 

The University of Helsinki has been responsible for steering FinEd activities during the two-year period of 2022–2023, with Vice-Dean, Prof. Auli Toom as chair. Auli will continue to represent University of Helsinki on the steering board, as responsibility for steering FinEd activities is handed over to University of Eastern Finland for 2024–2025. We thank Auli for her hard work during these two years, and welcome Prof. Markku Niemivirta as the new chair. Anna Rawlings continues as FinEd project coordinator. 

FinEd Online Research Talks

The FinEd Online Research Talk events – FORT for short – launched in 2022 were continued in 2023. The FORT events comprise keynote talks from professors and other researchers from member universities on their ongoing research. The series has provided us with a new way of reaching out to doctoral researchers as well as the academic community more broadly. The FORT events also raise awareness of FinEd and showcase the broad range of research done within our network. 

In the spring term of 2023, our FORT speakers included Professors Pirjo Aunio (University of Helsinki) on Relationships between children’s early numeracy, physical activity and motor skills learning; Tero Järvinen (University of Turku) on The significance of socioeconomic background for the educational dispositions and aspirations of Finnish comprehensive school leavers; and Maija Lanas (University of Oulu) on Decentering the adult and problematising the production of child in education. In the autumn term, Research Coordinator Milla Saajanaho PhD (University of Jyväskylä) gave a talk on Agency and developmental regulation in late adulthood, and Associate Professor Vesa Korhonen (Tampere University) on Towards recognizing the possible interrelated connections between student engagement and well-being within higher education studies

The 2024 season of FORT events will be kicked off on Monday 22 January 2024, at 12 o’clock (noon) by Professor Sara Routarinne (University of Turku) with her talk entitled Learning-in-interaction: what makes video observations powerful for studying teaching and learning? The abstract and zoom link of Prof. Routarinne’s upcoming talk can be found on our website – you are warmly welcome to come along!

Writing workshop for doctoral researchers, 15-16 August

Our annual scientific writing workshop was again arranged at the beautiful, inspiring Hanaholmen Conference Center in Espoo, with 24 PhD-researcher participants mentored by five senior mentors. Workshop activities included two keynote speeches, How to cultivate wellbeing during the doctoral studies? from Prof. Kirsi Pyhältö (University of Helsinki) and Writing the summary for the article-based PhD thesis from Vice-Dean, Prof. Auli Toom (University of Helsinki), as well as group work with mentors on participants’ abstracts and article manuscripts, and time set aside for networking, sharing experiences with peers, and making new friends. We received some very positive feedback for the workshop, as well as a few suggestions for making it even better. As before, we will take these into account when planning and organising the 2024 workshop. 

“The support I received was specific and will advance my research in a concrete way. The workshop is definitely one of the highlights in my PHD journey.” 

“The networking part was the most important for me and found the small group sessions about abstracts really nice and good in atmosphere, I think my horizons really widened during this workshop and all the perspectives that I got from everyone.” 

We really had time to connect and network during the two days, and the atmosphere was nice and not too busy for a creative state-of-mind to develop. Altogether, this was a very pleasant and inspiring event. I will definitely recommend it to peers.” – Feedback comments from participants

Focus on Open Science in the Field of Educational Sciences – FinEd preseminar at the FERA Educational Research days, Åbo Akademi University, 22 November

The 2023 preseminar comprised two keynote speeches and a structured workshop on the topics covered in the talks. Dr Sami Syrjämäki (Head of Publications, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies) opened the preseminar with a talk on Contemporary Trends in Scholarly Publishing, followed by Professor Erika Löfström’s (University of Helsinki) talk entitled Open science – open ethics? After a break and some light refreshments, participants reconvened to work on designing their own open science plans in small groups, and finally sharing insights and new ideas with everyone. 

We are learning that for many PhD researchers, the opportunity to meet, interact, and network with others who are working on their PhDs is one of the most important things that FinEd can provide, as illustrated by this participant comment:

“I found the seminar interesting, actually more interesting than I had thought in advance because many of the issues are already familiar to me. I wish that there would have been more time for interaction and discussion with other doctoral researchers because that is what made to attend the preseminar in the first place.” – Feedback comment from participant

We will keep the importance of peer connections in mind when planning and implementing future activities.

“Tohtorikoulutus tulevaisuudessa” (“Doctoral education in the future”) lunch meeting

Having examined and compared the criteria for article-based doctoral theses in member universities in 2022, members of FinEd’s steering group collected information on these criteria from international benchmark universities during the summer and autumn of 2023. Both the national and international data were collated and presented at a lunch meeting for member universities’ heads of doctoral programmes, vice-deans for research, and professors with extensive experience is supervising doctoral theses, at the FERA Education Science Days on November 23, 2023. We plan to make these lunch meetings a regular, annual event, with a view to facilitating and supporting open discussion and co-operation between member universities.

Other activities

FinEd funded an early-career-researcher keynote speech at the FERA Education Science days at Åbo Akademi University on 24 November 2024. Dr Anne-Elina Salo PhD (University of Turku, University of Jyväskylä) spoke on the topic Sosiaalisesti kestävää tulevaisuutta rakennetaan yhdessä: Miten jokainen kasvatuksen kentillä voisi tulla nähdyksi, kuulluksi ja ymmärretyksi? (”Socially sustainable future is built together: How can everyone in the field of education be seen, heard, and understood?”).

As in previous years, FinEd gave a greeting at the opening of the Media Education Conference MEC2023, hosted and organized by the Media Education Hub at the University of Lapland, on 25 September.

FinEd Newsletter 2022 – A Year in Review

In the beginning of 2022, responsibility for steering FinEd activities was handed over to the University of Helsinki from the University of Lapland, for the coming two years. The year 2022 also saw us returning to in-person seminars and meetings, as well as launching some new kinds of activities and events. In this newsletter, we take a look at the past year and its activities. We also want to take this opportunity to extend our warmest thank-yous to everyone who has taken part in our events, be it as keynote speakers, mentors, workshop participants, or in any other role, and to wish everyone Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year 2023!

FinEd Online Research Talks

In the spring, we introduced a series of online research talks, with professors from member universities taking turns in giving a keynote speech on a topic of their choice, approximately once a month during termtime. The series has provided us with a new way of reaching out to doctoral researchers as well as the academic community more broadly. Furthermore, the talks raise awareness of FinEd and showcase the broad range of research done within our network. This year’s speakers were Professors Markku Niemivirta (University of Eastern Finland), on The role of goals in motivation and well-being; Päivi Rasi-Heikkinen (University of Lapland) on Media literacies among senior citizens; Niina Rutanen (University of Jyväskylä), on Ethics in research with young children; Annalisa Sannino (Tampere University), on Challenges of transformative agency for equity and sustainability: A perspective from the learning sciences; and Kristina Ström and Mia Porko-Hudd (Åbo Akademi University), on Special Education and Sloyd Education at ÅAU. The series has garnered interest and been well attended and received, and will continue in 2023, so stay tuned!

Writing workshop for doctoral researchers, 17-18 August

Seventeen doctoral researchers from seven of our eight member universities participated in a two-day writing workshop at the beautiful, inspiring environment of the Hanaholmen Conference Center in Espoo. Activities at the workshop included two keynote speeches, How to understand and optimize the process of academic writing from University Lecturer Elina Ketonen (University of Helsinki) and Summary of the PhD Thesis from Professor Auli Toom (University of Helsinki), work in small groups on participants’ abstracts and article manuscripts, as well as time set aside for networking, sharing experiences with peers, and making new friends. Participants also received comments on their article manuscripts from senior FinEd members. We received positive feedback for the workshop, as well as some suggestions for making it even better, which we will take into account when planning and organising the 2023 workshop.

“Thank all of the organizers and mentors of FinEd seminar. It was a really wonderful and enlightening workshop, encouraging many PHD researchers to share the questions what’s bothering them most during the academic writing.” – Feedback comment from a participant

FinEd preseminar at the FERA Educational Research days, 23 November, University of Oulu

The topic of the FinEd preseminar, Values matter in education and research – Exploring the philosophical foundations of Educational Sciences, was chosen based on suggestions received from a questionnaire for doctoral researchers from the autumn of 2021. The preseminar comprised two parts, with Professor Katariina Holma’s (University of Oulu) keynote speech Science, theories, and values arranged in hybrid form, to enable interested parties who could not make it to Oulu in person to participate, too. The keynote was attended by approximately 40 audience members, of whom 15 took part online via zoom. After a lunchbreak, twelve doctoral researchers from different member universities attended the in-person workshop part of the preseminar. The feedback for both the keynote and the workshop was very positive. For the record, should you come across the term Empathic-Relational-Dialogical Science – it was invented at this workshop by some participants!

“I think we need an interesting keynote who directs participants’ thoughts and reflection towards the topic. The keynote was a spot on.” – Feedback comment from a participant

“I think workshop working as a whole is something we need as doctoral students. In workshops we get to know each other properly and get to share our thoughts on doing a PhD. There could even be more of such activity.” – Feedback comment from a participant

Other activities

In June, FinEd supported the organisation of the “Oppimis- ja oppimisvaikeustutkijatapaaminen 2022” (Meeting of learning and learning-difficulties researchers) by funding the FinEd keynote speech Developmental dynamics between academic well-being and educational outcomes from an accomplished younger researcher, Dr Anna Widlund (Åbo Akademi University).

During the autumn term, the steering board has been examining differences and similarities in the criteria set for article-based doctoral theses in member universities. This work of exploring the possibility of unifying these criteria across member universities is still ongoing.

Finally, FinEd now has a Twitter account, and we warmly invite you to follow us on @FinEdVerkosto, to keep up-to-date and receive reminders of our various events.

FinEd Newsletter 2/2021


Call for Papers! Pre-seminar of the FinEd Network for the FERA 2021 Conference on 24 November
The FinEd Network will organize a pre-seminar for the FERA 2021 Conference on 24 November 2021 in collaboration with the University of Jyväskylä and FERA. The deadline for abstracts is 31 October. More information can be obtained at Annual seminar – FinEd.

ITK Doctoral Consortium 1 December 2021
The FinEd network, together with ITK Doctoral Consortium, will organize an article workshop in Aulanko, Hämeenlinna, 1 December 2021. More information is available at ITK Doctoral Consortium 2021 – ITK-konferenssi.


In fall 2021, FinEd will conduct a survey of doctoral students at its member universities. The aim is to determine the needs of doctoral students regarding the courses offered nationwide. The survey will be sent out to doctoral students during October 2021 through contact persons at member universities.

FinEd took part in the MEC2021(Media Education) conference, which was held in Rovaniemi, Lapland, on 28 September–1 October 2021. The conference was organized by the Media Education Hub of the University of Lapland, which was also celebrating its 20th anniversary. This international conference brought together 56 researchers from around the world. The keynote speakers were Professor Hilda Borko, Stanford University, US; Professor Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Milan Catholic University, Italy; and Professor Hyeon-Seon Jeong, Gyeongin National University of Education, South Korea.

FinEd has proceeded international activities of the network. New senior researchers have been invited to join FinEd’s mentor pool. FinEd also took part, for the first time, in organizing the EERA Summer School together with the University of Jyväskylä, EERA and the Finnish Educational Research Association. One hundred doctoral students participated in the international summer school, which was held on 14–16 June 2021. For more information, go to EERA Summer School.

FinEd Newsletter 1/2021


The FinEd Network successfully organized “Writing by the hill”, an online article workshop for the member units’ doctoral researchers, on 24–25 March 2021. The workshop consisted of three expert lectures and writing sessions guided by mentors. In the first, Professors Kai Hakkarainen and Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen from the University of Helsinki lectured on the scientific writing process and academic knowledge practices. Professor Yngve Nordkvelle from the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences spoke about writing and the publishing process from the perspective of an editor at’s academic journal. Additionally, Professor Päivi Atjonen from the University of Eastern Finland presented research on Finnish dissertations in education. This research has also been published in Kasvatus (2/2020).

The FinEd Network will participate in the EERA Summer School on 14–16June 2021. One hundred doctoral students will also take part in this international summer school, organized by the University of Jyväskylä, EERA and the Finnish Educational Research Association. More information: EERA Summer School


A new, open lecture series on the study of digitalization
The DigiSociety research community of the University of Eastern Finland will make open lectures on digitalization research available to researchers every Friday at 1–3 pm from 7 May – 11 June 2021. This lecture series will address fresh and multidisciplinary research perspectives and methods. More information:

Call for papers! ITK Doctoral Consortium in Aulanko, 1 September 2021
The ITK Doctoral Consortium will be held in collaboration with the FinEd Network in Aulanko, Hämeenlinna on 1 September 2021. The deadline for abstracts is 31 May 2021. More information HERE:

Call for papers! MEC2021 in Rovaniemi, 28 September – 1 October 2021
The 2021 Media Education Conference (MEC2021) will be held in Rovaniemi on 28 September 1 October 2021. The theme of the conference is “Media Education in Autumn Colors”. The conference is organized by the Media Education Hub of the University of Lapland, which is also celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. The deadline for abstracts is 24 May 2021. More information:

Save the date! FinEd Network pre-seminar in Jyväskylä, 24 November 2021
The FinEd Network will organize a pre-seminar for the FERA 2021 Conference on 24 November 2021 in cooperation with the University of Jyväskylä and FERA. The pre-seminar will be announced in more detail in fall 2021.


The FinEd Network’s Mentor pool will be updated with national and international senior researchers who are available to share their expertise at events and conferences organized by the network. Meet the mentors:

FinEd Newsletter 2/2020

This is a FinEd Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to all members of the FinEd Network via contact persons in each member university and published on the FinEd website.

Happy Holidays and New Year 2021!

The year 2020 has been exceptional due to the COVID-19 epidemic, which has also affected activities in the FinEd network. In particular, the organization of an article workshop and the Pre-seminar of the FinEd Network as a part of the FERA 2020 Conference were reorganized as online activities.

FinEd Preseminar was held as an online seminar in 14th of December. The theme of the seminar was ”Digitalisation in education: From various learning contexts to methodologies”. In the seminar, Dr. Mona Moisala gave a talk about brain research, Postdoctoral Researcher Mikko Meriläinen spoke about digital gaming, and University Lecturer Satu-Maarit Frangou about her doctoral research process. A total of 21 doctoral students participated in the seminar. They represented the universities of Helsinki, Eastern Finland, Lapland, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Turku, and Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius. The program and the slides of the key talks can be found from the FinEd website: Annual seminar – FinEd

In spring 2021, the FinEd network organizes two workshops for doctoral students which have been postponed from fall 2020. ”Writing by the hill” article workshop will be held in March 24th – 25th 2021 exceptionally as an online workshop. 22 doctoral students have been accepted to participate the workshop in the fall 2020. If you are interested in the upcoming workshop and did not apply for participation in fall 2020, you can ask for any cancelled places from the 1st of February 2021 from research coordinator Marjaana Kangas (

The second workshop will be organized in cooperation with ITK Doctoral Consortium 14th of April 2021 ITK Doctoral Consortium 2020 – ITK-konferenssi ( In the workshop doctoral students have an opportunity to present their papers and receive comments on their research from other researchers. Deadline for abstracts is 14th of February 2021. Registration is found HERE.

The Mentor pool is a group of senior researchers from the member units of the FinEd Network who have pledged to advise the doctoral researchers within the Network. Meet the Mentors:

FinEd Newsletter 1/2020

This is a FinEd Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to all members of the FinEd Network via contact persons in each member university and published on the FinEd website.

The coordination of FinEd network has transferred to the University of Lapland

The FinEd Network is an organization made up of eight academic member units. The coordination of the Network’s activities rotates within its member units. In the years 2020−2021, the Network is coordinated by the Faculty of Education, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi. Previously, the Network has been coordinated by the Faculty of Education of the University of Turku (2015−2017) and the Faculty of Education and Culture of the Tampere University (2018−2019).

Covid-19 pandemia’s influences on the events of FinEed network

The Covid-19 pandemic in spring 2020 have had a significant impact on planning and implementing the events of the FinEd network. The article workshop for doctoral students, originally planned for spring 2020, has been postponed to the autumn and the first part will be implemented in collaboration with the ITK Doctoral Consortium in September 21st.

The time and place of the FERA Conference, as well as the FinEd pre-seminar have also changed due the coronavirus situation. According to current information, the FERA Conference 2020 will be held on 15-16 December 2020 and the FinEd pre-seminar on 14 December, on the central campus of the University of Helsinki. The FinEd network will closely monitor the progress of the coronavirus situation and provide updated information about events and conference on its websites:

Article workshop I will be organized in collaboration with ITK Doctoral Concortium

Article workshop part I for FinEd network doctoral students will be held in collaboration with ITK Doctoral Concortium September 21st 2020. ITK Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for current doctoral researchers to present their project in a safe, friendly and stimulating environment. The candidates will receive formative feedback from their peers and senior researchers in the field.

More information:

In the workshop, doctoral researchers will present their ongoing research and get feedback to their article manuscripts. It is also possible to present the ongoing research based on the abstract in the case the doctoral student doesn’t have an article manuscript. Important dates:

The annual seminar of the FinEd network 14 December 2020, University of Helsinki: Sustainable development and education

The theme of the FERA conference is sustainable development and education. The conference concentrates on answering the questions, how should we educate children, youth and adults towards the future, which is ecologically, socially and economically sustainable? Further information about the FERA conference will be found from web page:

The theme of the FinEd network pre-seminar is: ”Digitalisation in education: from various learning contents to methodologies. The Keynote lecture will be given by Professor Hilda Borko from Stanford University, USA. Post docs lectures will be given by PhD Satu-Maarit Frangou from University of Lapland and PhD Mikko Meriläinen University of Tampere.

The pre-seminar is directed to doctoral researchers of the member units of the FinEd Network. The travel and accommodation (one night in a double room) costs of the seminar are covered by the FinEd to all doctoral researchers of the FinEd member units. The registration for the pre-seminar is made via an electronic form on the FinEd web page, the registration opens in October 2020. The maximum number of participants will be 50 doctoral researchers.

Meet the FinEd mentors

The Mentor pool is a group of senior researchers from the member units of the FinEd Network who have pledged to advise the doctoral researchers within the Network. Through the Mentor pool, the doctoral researchers in the Network can contact experts in their own field. Now you can learn more about the FinEd mentors through the Network’s new interview series Meet the Mentors:

The situation of events and conferences

(CANCELLED) ECER: Educational Research (Re)connecting Communities, 25−28 August 2020, University of Glasgow, UK
The annual conference of European Educational Research Association. Further information:

(CANCELLED) 30th EECERA Annual Conference: Democratic Early Childhood Pedagogies, 8–11 September 2020, University of Zagreb, Croatia
The annual conference of European Early Childhood Education Research Association. The deadline of abstracts 2 March 2020.
Further information:

FinEd Newsletter 4/2019

This is a FinEd Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to all members of the FinEd Network via contact persons in each member university and published on the FinEd website.

Happy Holidays and New Year!

The FinEd Network will be coordinated by the University of Lapland 2020−2021

The FinEd Network is an organisation made up of eight academic member units. The coordination of the Network’s activities rotates within its member units. In the years 2020−2021, the Network will be coordinated by Faculty of Education, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi. The Network will be led by Professor Heli Ruokamo and coordinated by University Lecturer Marjaana Kangas. Professor Kirsi Karila, who led the network in 2018-2019, and Coordinator Anneli Lehtisalo thank everyone for good cooperation!

University Lecturer Marjaana Kangas, Professor Kirsti Karila, Research Coordinator Anneli Lehtisalo and Professor Heli Ruokamo.

Do you already know the new Jufo portal?

The Publication Forum portal is a service for those interested in academic publishing. The portal can be used to search for information about scholarly publication series, conferences and book publishers and to suggest a classification level for publication channels. You can use the portal without logging in, but if you want more information about publishing channels or make suggestions on channels, you should log in with your own HAKA or ORCID account. The address of the portal is:

Do you want to acquaint yourself with the newest doctoral dissertations in the field of educational sciences?

Starting from the year 2010, the FinEd network’s website lists all doctoral dissertations in Finland in the field of educational sciences. There are direct links to the doctoral dissertations in 2019, so you can familiarize yourself with the newest works.

Upcoming events and conferences

EDUCA 2020: Well-being for education, work and life, 24–25 January 2020, Helsinki, Finland

EDUCA is an event on education and for teaching personnel educating. The event provides information on the latest developments in the field of education. Further information:

National Adult Education Conference: Elämän kestävä vastuu, 13−14 February 2020, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland

The conference is organised by the Finnish Society for Research on Adult Education and the University of Lapland. Further information:

NERA 2020: Rethinking the futures of education in the Nordic countries, 4-6 March 2020, Turku, Finland

The conference organised by the Nordic Educational Research Association. Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2019. Further information:

IX Conference on Childhood Studies: Childhood and Time, 11−13 May 2020, Tampere University, Finland

The multidisciplinary conference organised by Tampere University, the Tampere Centre for Childhood, Youth and Family Research PERLA, and the Finnish Society for Childhood Studies. Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2020. Further information:

ECOFE2020: Ecofeminism and Education Conference, 14–15 May 2020, Tampere University, Finland

The conference organised by ‘Ylätaso’ discussion series organisers in Tampere. The conference is inviting researchers and artists from different fields to come together to discuss ecofeminism and questions of education in an era of ecological crisis. Categories of presentations are scientific presentations, workshops and artistic contributions. Abstract submission deadline is 24 January 2020. Further information:

XXIX Conference the Comparative Education Society in Europe: Communities and education in an era of accountability and control, 26−29 May 2020, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy

The biannual conference of the Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE). Abstract submission deadline is 15 February 2020. Further information:

Conference of Applied Linguistics: Language Education for Social Justice, 1-3 June 2020, University of Jyväskylä

Further information:

JURE 2020: Generation Change: The Future of Education in a Diverse Society, 13−17 July 2020, University of Porto, Portugal

The Junior Researchers of EARLI host an annual conference offering the possibility to meet fellow junior researchers. Further information:

ECER: Educational Research (Re)connecting Communities, 25−28 August 2020, University of Glasgow, UK

The annual conference of European Educational Research Association. The deadline of abstracts 31 January 2020. Further information:

30th EECERA Annual Conference: Democratic Early Childhood Pedagogies, 8–11 September 2020, University of Zagreb, Croatia

The annual conference of European Early Childhood Education Research Association. The deadline of abstracts 2 March 2020. Further information:

FinEd Newsletter 3/2019

This is a FinEd Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to all members of the FinEd Network via contact persons in each member university and published on the FinEd website.

The Coordination of the FinEd Network Will Be Transferred to the University of Lapland

The FinEd Network is an organization made up of eight academic member units. The coordination of the Network’s activities rotates within its member units. In the years 2020−2021, the Network will be coordinated by Faculty of Education, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi. Previously, the Network have been coordinated by the Faculty of Education of the University of Turku (2015−2017) and the Faculty of Education and Culture of the Tampere University (2018−2019).

A Survey on Dissertation Financing: Doctoral Studies are found useful even outside of an academic career

According to an survey commissioned by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, people consider their doctoral studies to have been useful even if they never completed their thesis or if they did not go on to post-doctoral research. Read more about the survey.

The grant application period of the Finnish Cultural Foundation has now been opened. The deadline for proposals is the 31st of October. Read more.

Meet the FinEd Mentors

The Mentor pool is a group of senior researchers from the member units of the FinEd Network who have pledged to advise the doctoral researchers within the Network. Through the Mentor pool, the doctoral researchers in the Network can contact experts in their own field. Now you can learn more about the FinEd mentors through the Network’s new interview series Meet the Mentors:

Upcoming Events and Conferences

FERA Conference on Education: Learning landscapes are evolving – what of it? 21−22 November 2019, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland

Further information:

National education sector development cooperation seminar, 26−27 November 2019, Helsinki

The Finnish National Agency for Education EDUFI, The Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and FINGO organise an event about solving the global learning crisis and identifying successful multi-stakeholder collaboration models. The programme is built around thematic parallel sessions, presenting multi-stakeholder collaboration to support the education sector in a specific developing country. The seminar covers all educational levels from pre-school education to higher education and research. Further information.

NERA 2020: Rethinking the futures of education in the Nordic countries, 4-6 March 2020, Turku, Finland

The conference organized by the Nordic Educational Research Association. Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2019. Further information:

5th International Conference of the ESREA Migration, Transnationalism and Racisms Network, 22−24 April 2020, University of Glasgow, UK

The conference organized by European Society for Research on the Education of Adults. The deadline for abstracts 15 November 2019. Further information:

Minority Seminar 2020: Curriculums for Social Justice, 6-8 May 2020 at Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa, Finland

Åbo Akademi University organises the fifth annual Minority seminar that will take place in Vaasa, Finland from May 6th to 8th, 2020. The 2020 theme is “Curriculums for Social Justice” with the aim to collectively discuss how to develop justice-oriented pedagogies.
Further information:

IX Conference on Childhood Studies: Childhood and Time, 11−13 May 2020, Tampere University, Finland

Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2020. Further information:

An International Research Conference: Adult Education in Global Times, 5−7 June 2020, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

The conference organised by the coordination of eight research associations. The deadline of abstracts 15 October 2020. Further information:

ECER: Educational Research (Re)connecting Communities, 25−28 August 2020, University of Glasgow, UK

The annual conference of European Educational Research Association. The deadline of abstracts 31 January 2020. Further information:

30th EECERA Annual Conference: Democratic Early Childhood Pedagogies, 8–11 September 2020, University of Zagreb, Croatia

The annual conference of European Early Childhood Education Research Association. The deadline of abstracts 2 March 2020. Further information:

FinEd Newsletter 2/2019

This is a FinEd Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to all members of the FinEd Network via contact persons in each member university and published on the FinEd website.

The Annual Seminar of the FinEd Network 20 November 2019, University of Eastern Finalnd: Mixed Methods – Always Better?

The annual seminar of the FinEd Network will be organized as a pre-seminar to the FERA 2019 Conference, on Wednesday 20 November in the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu campus. The topic of the pre-seminar is Mixed methods – always better? The keynote speaker will be Dr Lucila Carvalho (Massey University, New Zealand).

The pre-seminar is directed to doctoral researchers of the member units of the FinEd Network. The travel and accommodation (one night in a double room) costs of the seminar are covered by the FinEd to all doctoral researchers of the FinEd member units. The registration for the pre-seminar is made via an electronic form on the FinEd web page, the registration opens on the 26th of August 2019. The maximum number of participants will be 50 doctoral researchers.

Read more on the FinEd web page:

The Academic Community in Finland is Fostering Open Science

Finnish research organizations and authorities have been actively engaged in fostering open science. In practice, this means open access publishing and opening up research data. National strategy and implementation plan for open access to scholarly publications is currently under preparation. The process of open science is coordinated in Finland by The Federation of Finnish Learned Socities with the funding of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Read more:

Meet the Fined Mentors

The Mentor pool is a group of senior researchers from the member units of the FinEd Network who have pledged to advise the doctoral researchers within the Network. Through the Mentor pool, the doctoral researchers in the Network can contact experts in their own field. Now you can learn more about the FinEd mentors through the Network’s new interview series Meet the Mentors. Read more about the mentor pool and the presentations of Jaakko Kauko and Satu Uusiautti.

Upcoming Events and Conferences

The Methods Festival, 27−29 August 2019, Tampere University, Finland

The festival is not any ordinary conference, but a transdisciplinary meeting and discussion forum that brings together researchers from all career stages to discuss contemporary topics on methods and researcher skills more broadly. Further information:

The 4th Doctoral Education Day 2019: The well-being of doctoral candidates, 9 October 2019, University of Helsinki, Finland

All those interested in the development of doctoral education are invited. The deadline for registration is 6 September, 2019. Further information:

II International Conference of Mathematics, Science and Engineering Education (ICESME’19): 8 – 10 November 2019, Kyrenia, North Cyprus

The Second International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Engineering Education (ICESME’19) aims to provide a scholarly environment for promoting discussions in contemporary topics of mathematics, science and engineering education and to foster the application of the results in primary, secondary, and higher education. Abstract submission deadline: 20 September 2019. Further information:

FERA Conference on Education: Learning landscapes are evolving – what of it? 21−22 November 2019, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland

Abstract submission deadline: 1 October 2019. Further information:

NERA 2020: Rethinking the futures of education in the Nordic countries, 4-6 March 2020, Turku, Finland

The conference organized by the Nordic Educational Research Association. Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2019. Further information:

AERA 2020: The Power and Possibilities for the Public Good When Researchers and Organizational Stakeholders Collaborate, 17.–21.4.2020, San Francisco, USA

The conference organized by the American Educational Research Association. Abstract submission deadline 10 July 2019. Further information:

IX Conference on Childhood Studies: Childhood and Time, 11.−13.5.2020, Tampere University, Finland

Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2020. Further information: