This is a FinEd Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to all members of the FinEd Network via contact persons in each member university and published on the FinEd website.
The Annual Seminar of the FinEd Network 20 November 2019, University of Eastern Finalnd: Mixed Methods – Always Better?
The annual seminar of the FinEd Network will be organized as a pre-seminar to the FERA 2019 Conference, on Wednesday 20 November in the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu campus. The topic of the pre-seminar is Mixed methods – always better? The keynote speaker will be Dr Lucila Carvalho (Massey University, New Zealand).
The pre-seminar is directed to doctoral researchers of the member units of the FinEd Network. The travel and accommodation (one night in a double room) costs of the seminar are covered by the FinEd to all doctoral researchers of the FinEd member units. The registration for the pre-seminar is made via an electronic form on the FinEd web page, the registration opens on the 26th of August 2019. The maximum number of participants will be 50 doctoral researchers.
Read more on the FinEd web page:
The Academic Community in Finland is Fostering Open Science
Finnish research organizations and authorities have been actively engaged in fostering open science. In practice, this means open access publishing and opening up research data. National strategy and implementation plan for open access to scholarly publications is currently under preparation. The process of open science is coordinated in Finland by The Federation of Finnish Learned Socities with the funding of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Read more:
Meet the Fined Mentors
The Mentor pool is a group of senior researchers from the member units of the FinEd Network who have pledged to advise the doctoral researchers within the Network. Through the Mentor pool, the doctoral researchers in the Network can contact experts in their own field. Now you can learn more about the FinEd mentors through the Network’s new interview series Meet the Mentors. Read more about the mentor pool and the presentations of Jaakko Kauko and Satu Uusiautti.
Upcoming Events and Conferences
The Methods Festival, 27−29 August 2019, Tampere University, Finland
The festival is not any ordinary conference, but a transdisciplinary meeting and discussion forum that brings together researchers from all career stages to discuss contemporary topics on methods and researcher skills more broadly. Further information:
The 4th Doctoral Education Day 2019: The well-being of doctoral candidates, 9 October 2019, University of Helsinki, Finland
All those interested in the development of doctoral education are invited. The deadline for registration is 6 September, 2019. Further information:
II International Conference of Mathematics, Science and Engineering Education (ICESME’19): 8 – 10 November 2019, Kyrenia, North Cyprus
The Second International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Engineering Education (ICESME’19) aims to provide a scholarly environment for promoting discussions in contemporary topics of mathematics, science and engineering education and to foster the application of the results in primary, secondary, and higher education. Abstract submission deadline: 20 September 2019. Further information:
FERA Conference on Education: Learning landscapes are evolving – what of it? 21−22 November 2019, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
Abstract submission deadline: 1 October 2019. Further information:
NERA 2020: Rethinking the futures of education in the Nordic countries, 4-6 March 2020, Turku, Finland
The conference organized by the Nordic Educational Research Association. Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2019. Further information:
AERA 2020: The Power and Possibilities for the Public Good When Researchers and Organizational Stakeholders Collaborate, 17.–21.4.2020, San Francisco, USA
The conference organized by the American Educational Research Association. Abstract submission deadline 10 July 2019. Further information:
IX Conference on Childhood Studies: Childhood and Time, 11.−13.5.2020, Tampere University, Finland
Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2020. Further information: