This is a FinEd Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to all members of the FinEd Network via contact persons in each member university and published on the FinEd website.
Happy Holidays and New Year!
The FinEd Network will be coordinated by the University of Lapland 2020−2021
The FinEd Network is an organisation made up of eight academic member units. The coordination of the Network’s activities rotates within its member units. In the years 2020−2021, the Network will be coordinated by Faculty of Education, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi. The Network will be led by Professor Heli Ruokamo and coordinated by University Lecturer Marjaana Kangas. Professor Kirsi Karila, who led the network in 2018-2019, and Coordinator Anneli Lehtisalo thank everyone for good cooperation!

Do you already know the new Jufo portal?
The Publication Forum portal is a service for those interested in academic publishing. The portal can be used to search for information about scholarly publication series, conferences and book publishers and to suggest a classification level for publication channels. You can use the portal without logging in, but if you want more information about publishing channels or make suggestions on channels, you should log in with your own HAKA or ORCID account. The address of the portal is:
Do you want to acquaint yourself with the newest doctoral dissertations in the field of educational sciences?
Starting from the year 2010, the FinEd network’s website lists all doctoral dissertations in Finland in the field of educational sciences. There are direct links to the doctoral dissertations in 2019, so you can familiarize yourself with the newest works.
Upcoming events and conferences
EDUCA 2020: Well-being for education, work and life, 24–25 January 2020, Helsinki, Finland
EDUCA is an event on education and for teaching personnel educating. The event provides information on the latest developments in the field of education. Further information:
National Adult Education Conference: Elämän kestävä vastuu, 13−14 February 2020, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland
The conference is organised by the Finnish Society for Research on Adult Education and the University of Lapland. Further information:
NERA 2020: Rethinking the futures of education in the Nordic countries, 4-6 March 2020, Turku, Finland
The conference organised by the Nordic Educational Research Association. Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2019. Further information:
IX Conference on Childhood Studies: Childhood and Time, 11−13 May 2020, Tampere University, Finland
The multidisciplinary conference organised by Tampere University, the Tampere Centre for Childhood, Youth and Family Research PERLA, and the Finnish Society for Childhood Studies. Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2020. Further information:
ECOFE2020: Ecofeminism and Education Conference, 14–15 May 2020, Tampere University, Finland
The conference organised by ‘Ylätaso’ discussion series organisers in Tampere. The conference is inviting researchers and artists from different fields to come together to discuss ecofeminism and questions of education in an era of ecological crisis. Categories of presentations are scientific presentations, workshops and artistic contributions. Abstract submission deadline is 24 January 2020. Further information:
XXIX Conference the Comparative Education Society in Europe: Communities and education in an era of accountability and control, 26−29 May 2020, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
The biannual conference of the Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE). Abstract submission deadline is 15 February 2020. Further information:
Conference of Applied Linguistics: Language Education for Social Justice, 1-3 June 2020, University of Jyväskylä
Further information:
JURE 2020: Generation Change: The Future of Education in a Diverse Society, 13−17 July 2020, University of Porto, Portugal
The Junior Researchers of EARLI host an annual conference offering the possibility to meet fellow junior researchers. Further information:
ECER: Educational Research (Re)connecting Communities, 25−28 August 2020, University of Glasgow, UK
The annual conference of European Educational Research Association. The deadline of abstracts 31 January 2020. Further information:
30th EECERA Annual Conference: Democratic Early Childhood Pedagogies, 8–11 September 2020, University of Zagreb, Croatia
The annual conference of European Early Childhood Education Research Association. The deadline of abstracts 2 March 2020. Further information: