Mentor pool

The FinEd mentor pool offers doctoral researchers the opportunity to seek expert advice within the educational field. The mentor pool consists of volunteer senior researchers. The mentors can, for example, guide the mentee to relevant literary sources, or help to improve the focus of the research plan. The mentors may participate in workshops and the annual FinEd seminar. Note that the FinEd also has international mentors in the mentor pool.

Guidelines for the doctoral researchers:

  • FinEd mentors do not offer official doctoral dissertation supervision, which is the responsibility of the supervisors nominated by the faculty. Therefore, it is wise to talk to and get a recommendation from one’s own supervisor before contacting a FinEd mentor.
  • When you contact a FinEd mentor, please mention that you are a member of the FinEd Network.

The FinEd Network’s mentor pool offers a unique networking channel for supervisors as well. In addition, post‑doctoral researchers are welcome to act as FinEd mentors. If you are interested in becoming a mentor for doctoral researchers, please contact the coordinator.

FinEd mentors

Kristiina Brunila, Professor, University of Helsinki

Kaiju Kangas, Assistant professor, University of Helsinki

Jaakko Kauko, Professor, University of Tampere
Meet the mentors! Read more about professor Jaakko Kauko

Sonja Kosunen, Professor, University of Eastern Finland

Terhi Nokkala, Adjunct professor, University of Jyväskylä
Meet the mentors! Read more about Terhi Nokkala

Päivi Pihlaja, Professor, University of Eastern Finland

Johanna Pöysä-Tarhonen, Senior Researcher, Docent, University of Jyväskylä

Pirkko Siklander, Associate professor, University of Oulu
Meet the mentors! Read more about Pirkko Siklander

Auli Toom, Professor, University of Helsinki

Satu Uusiautti, Professor, University of Lapland
Meet the mentors! Read more about professor Satu Uusiautti

International mentors:

Lucian Ciolan, Professor of Educational Policy and Research University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Romania

Yngve Nordkvelle, Professor, Inland Norway University College of Applied Sciences, Editor of, Norway

Marco Rieckmann, Professor of higher education development, University of Vechta, Faculty of Educational and Societal Sciences, Germany