Registration is now open for the FinEd pre-seminar Values Matter in Education and Research – Exploring the Philosophical Foundations of Educational Sciences!
The pre-seminar, arranged ahead of the FERA 2022 Conference “Multivocality in the Changing World of Education” on 23 November 2022 at the University of Oulu, examines the philosophical foundations of educational sciences, and the values pertaining to conducting educational research. The pre-seminar is targeted for doctoral researchers who wish to deepen their understanding about the philosophical background assumptions as well as ethical practices of the field.
The first part of the pre-seminar will comprise a keynote speech by Professor Katariina Holma (University of Oulu) followed by questions from participants and discussion, and the second part will consist of workshops on the topic, run by Prof. Auli Toom (University of Helsinki) and Prof. Maija Lanas (University of Oulu).
We cordially invite you to register for the pre-seminar by 15 November at Participation is free to registered participants. Note that the first part of the pre-seminar (keynote & discussion) will be organised in hybrid format, to enable distance participation.
Programme outline:
10:30 Opening words, Prof. Auli Toom
Keynote speech, Prof. Katariina Holma
Discussion, introduction of workshops
12-13 Lunchbreak
13-16 Workshops